Teeth Cleaning and Wisdom Teeth Removal in Waterloo & Kitchener

A healthy smile is usually a beautiful one, and vice versa, so we offer a full range of general dentistry treatments in Kitchener & Waterloo. It is important that you begin with a good base of dental health. The purpose is to find, in their early stages, any dental issues that might be present before they have the chance to get worse.

It is essential to adopt good oral care habits like brushing and flossing twice a day. Make sure you get your teeth checked periodically to identify any potential issues. If you feel pain in your mouth, visit us so that we can investigate the issue. Early detection of the disease can prevent the pain and also save you money down the lane. Our dentists in Waterloo will discuss various options to improve your smile if you wish. Whether you need simple teeth whitening or restorative treatment like crowns or bridges, we make sure you smile with confidence every time. We also offer orthodontic treatments to align your teeth properly.

General Dentistry Treatments in Waterloo

  • Dental Exams & X-rays
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Composite (Tooth Colored) Fillings
  • Wisdom Teeth Removal
  • Teeth Grinding / Bruxism Treatment
  • Root Canals (Endodontics)
  • Periodontics

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General Dentistry – Treatment Details

  • Dental Exams & X-rays
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Composite (Tooth Coloured) Filling
  • Wisdom Teeth Removal

When seeing new patients, we always begin with a dental exam, and then we ask that you come and see us twice a year for examinations. This is because a dental exam is the best way to catch decay in its early stages. Tooth decay can take hold and spread quickly, and no matter how careful you are with your oral health, chances are you may not notice a cavity. With modern dental technology though, we can find cavities that are not even apparent to the naked eye. During your exam, we will also check for cracks and compromised fillings, and examine your gums to determine if you have, or are at risk for, periodontal disease. Once the exam has been completed, we will either give you a clean bill of health and send you on your way or recommend a course of treatment for any issues we may have identified.

Dental X-rays

With modern dental x-rays, the discomfort and waiting are all but eliminated. Everything is done digitally, with a tiny camera that takes images of your teeth and the underlying structure and then delivers those images to a computer, where your dentist can see your mouth in great detail and even magnify the images up to 25x. Diagnosing dental issues is faster and more precise, and even environmentally friendly, since there is no longer a need to process films using chemical baths.

Today, much of your cleaning, if not all of it, is done using an ultrasound that delivers super-fast vibrations to your teeth to destroy tartar and plaque with absolutely no pain.dental hygiene general dentistry Now, if your teeth have been neglected for a while, there is a possibility that some manual scaling will be required, but it will be considerably less than you would have had to contend with in the days before ultrasound cleanings. You can have a professional cleaning that will make your teeth look and feel better, and you can have it done quickly and with a minimum of scraping.

Fillings are one of the common treatments for restoring teeth. Our dentists in Waterloo will fill the hole in the tooth caused due to decay. It can keep your tooth intact for years to come.

White Fillings

At King Street Dental, we do not use metal fillings – only composite (tooth colored) fillings. The main advantage of white fillings is their aesthetic appeal. They are matched with the color of your teeth so are natural looking. White fillings are mercury free, needs less tooth preparation (drilling), making composite a less destructive restoration. White fillings are bonded (adhesive) to the tooth structure and this allows the dentist to build-up chipped or fractured front teeth or even build-up badly broken down teeth.

Perhaps you still have some metal fillings. It is probably a given that you are less than happy with the way they look, and you may be wondering if it is possible to have them replaced. We can remove your old metal fillings, prepare the cavity, and install new, tooth colored fillings.

After permanent teeth replace the primary or baby teeth, we get our third molars – a set of four permanent teeth which are also known as wisdom teeth. They come in behind the upper and lower second molars between the age of 17 to 21 when we reach adulthood.

Why do wisdom teeth cause problems?

Wisdom teeth that are healthy and in proper alignment can be a valuable asset to the mouth. Unfortunately, they are rarely in proper alignment. Sometimes, when the jaw is not large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, they couldn’t get in their property position. They may get trapped beneath the gum or grow sideways, causing you pain and discomfort. Impaction mostly happens in the third molars of the lower jaw or mandible. After examining your mouth and taking X-rays, Dr. A. Reddy will discuss whether your wisdom teeth should be removed.

Extractions of wisdom teeth are performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. An oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a dentist who specializes in surgery and the removal of wisdom teeth. Before surgery, this dentist will explain what to expect, have you sign a consent form and give you personalized instructions to follow. Keep in mind these general items to help your surgery go smoothly.

  • Teeth Grinding / Bruxism Treatment
  • Root Canals (Endodontics)
  • Peridontics (Gum Disease)

Bruxism and teeth grinding is a common problem in a city where life and jobs can be very stressful. Relaxation methods like counseling or psychotherapy can dramatically reduce grinding. Other treatments may include muscle relaxants or physical therapy. Alcohol and caffeine can also contribute to bruxism and should be limited.

Bruxism is a serious issue as it can damage the teeth or cause facial pain. Our dentists will provide you with custom mouth guards to be worn at night to prevent grinding. Also in some cases, we can replace an old crown or reduce a high surface on a tooth to prevent pressure and teeth grinding.

A root canal is the space within the root of a tooth. Root treatment repairs and saves a tooth that is badly decayed or became infected. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form. On the other side root canal spacing is naturally within a tooth that consists of the pulp chamber, the main canals, and more intricate anatomical branches that may connect the root canals or to surface of the root. The nerve and pulp are removed during the root canal procedure and inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed as well.

Root canals have a terrible, undeserved reputation for causing pain. Root canals do not cause pain; they relieve it.

Most of the people suffer from some form of periodontal disease. However, the majority of people don’t even realize that. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a bacterial infection that affects your gums, bones and periodontal ligament.

Periodontal disease is often silent and painless until it reaches its advanced stage. The symptoms include:

  • Persistent bad breath
  • Bleeding in gums when you brush the teeth
  • Red, swollen and tender gums
  • Gums pulling away from teeth
  • Loose or separating teeth
  • Pus between the gum and tooth
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite

Our hygiene department has the most up to date methods in preventing periodontal disease. This includes periodontal screening tests. Our highly trained periodontal hygienist records the measurement of gum recession and evaluation of potential bone loss early on. Each visit these things are re-evaluated. Most importantly the cleanings and scalings are performed in the most meticulous manner. All this is done in a relaxed atmosphere catering to the patient’s needs.

Copyright © 2021 King Street Dental Centre. All Rights Reserved.

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